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Bauchi Govt Unveils Palliative Sharing Formula

Governor Bala Abdulqadir Mohammed directs for the equitable distribution of the items free of political interferences.

Commissioner of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Hajiya Hajara Yakubu Wanka Discloses this on Monday.

She said Bauchi Government will distribute eighty eight thousand, eight hundred and eighty nine 25KG bags of rice as part of palliative to cushion the effect of oil subsidy removal. Saying all relevant stakeholders have been incorporated as beneficiaries of the palliative funds.

Hajara served as the Secretary of the high powered committee chaired by the State Deputy Governor Rt. Hon. Mohammed Auwal Jatau said they have proposed the sum of eight hundred Million Naira as the 2023 Leave Grants for Civil Servants in the state.

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Eight hundred million Naira has also been ear marked for Pensioners, with State Pension Board and the Local Government Pension Board received the sum of Five Hundred Million and Three Hundred Million respectively as part of their gratuities.

Ten Buses to ease the transportation challenges faced by the people of the state particularly students where it will be distributed in Bauchi Metropolis, Azare, Ningi and Misau.

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The sum of three Hundred and Twenty Nine Million Naira is for the Social and Vulnerable Groups as well as the Persons With Disability.

The funds according to Hajara would be channeled to Youth Development and Empowerment through BACYWARD where the sum of Seventy Six Million Naira has been earmarked for that.

One Thousand Health Workers Volunteers in the state has been Allocated the sum of sixty Million Naira.

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The funds she noted will BE distributed as unconditional cash transfer to cushion the effect of fuel subsidy removal.

The Commissioner also stated that Governor Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed has directed the Distribution Committee which is under the chairmanship of his Royal Highness Dr. Rilwanu Suleiman Adamu Emir of Bauchi to be a free from political and ensure equitable and even distribution of the items, devoid of any difference.

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