
2023 Tree Planting Campaign: Gov Bala declare war on charcoal business

Bauchi State Governor, His Excellency, Senator Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed has launched the 2023 Tree Planting Campaign with the theme “Tree Planting, an Efficient tool to tackle Climate Change.

Speaking at the launching ceremony held at Dungal village of Bauchi Local Government, Mohammed expressed concern on the negative impact of climate change on the livelihood of people and therefore declared war on charcoal business across all the local government areas of the state.

Bala stated that his administration will continue to lead by example by allocating funds for tree planting drive, enacting policies to safeguard environment, in addition to collaborating with local communities and organizations, saying the battle can only be won through collective action, dedication and commitment of every individual, institutions, and every sector of the society.

According to him, this year’s theme of the campaign reflects the desire and commitment of his administration to combat climate change, adding that the act of planting a tree is a profound step towards restoring the balance of the nation’s ecosystem, emphasizing the importance of tree planting to protect and preserve the forests.

Governor Bala enjoined stakeholders to become change agents in the fight against climate change, as he assured them his commitment to address the menace of climate change for sustainable development.

In their remarks, the Emir of Katagum, Alhaji Umar Farouk and the the Commissioner for Environment and Housing, Dallami Ahmad Kawule and other speakers acknowledged the tireless efforts of the administration of Governor Bala Mohammed to tackle environmental challenges in the state.


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