
NCPWD commends Nigerian Police for retaining officer with Disability

The National Commission for Persons with Disability (NCPWD) has commended the Nigeria Minister of Police Affairs, Chairman of the Police Service Commission and Inspector General of Police (IGP) for retaining a gallant officer who encountered a disability while serving the nation.

According to the commission, the commendation comes in light of their decision to retain a gallant officer who encountered a disability while serving the nation, in accordance with Section 28/29 of the Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Act 2018.

Unlike previous practices of dismissing officers who faced disabilities in the line of duty, this decision underscores a significant shift towards recognizing and supporting those who have dedicated themselves to the service of the nation.

The Commission further lauded the national recognition of meritorious service, exemplified by the officer’s receipt of the National IGP award for their outstanding contributions.

Executive Secretary James Lalu PhD, npom, announced that the Commission is extending tangible support to the officer by offering a modern prosthetic limb. This gesture aims to facilitate the officer’s continued service to the nation, ensuring they have the necessary tools and support to carry out their duties effectively.

The officer has been invited to visit the Commission’s headquarters at No. 79 Ralph Shodeinde Street, CBD Abuja, for measurement and further assistance.

This initiative underscores the importance of recognizing and accommodating the needs of individuals with disabilities within the workforce, fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for all members of society.

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