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NDLEA alerts public on new scam

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) has issued a warning to the public regarding a disturbing new trend involving scammers impersonating agency officers.

These fraudsters have been preying on unsuspecting citizens, particularly those with loved ones abroad, by falsely claiming that their relatives have been arrested at international airports in Nigeria for drug-related offences.

According to the NDLEA, the scammers initiate contact with family members, typically through phone calls, and fabricate stories of their relatives’ arrests at airports such as the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos. They then demand exorbitant sums of money, often in the millions of naira, to secure the release of the alleged detainees.

This elaborate scheme has thrown numerous families into panic, prompting them to consider complying with the scammers’ demands.

However, the NDLEA has urged the public to remain vigilant and cautious, emphasising that these calls are fraudulent and the demands for money are part of a criminal extortion operation.

In a recent incident investigated by the agency, a Nigerian man based in the United States was purportedly targeted by scammers who circulated his photo along with an audio recording of a fake negotiation between a supposed NDLEA officer and a female relative.

The conversation allegedly revolved around the payment of N5 million for the release of the man, who was falsely claimed to have been arrested at the Lagos airport with contraband.

“At the moment, there is one of such scenario the Agency has just investigated. In this case, the picture of a Nigerian man based in the US is being circulated with audio of a purported NDLEA officer negotiating the payment of N5 million with a female relative for the release of the US-based Nigerian man purportedly arrested at the Lagos airport on Friday 22nd March upon his arrival with a ‘contraband’

“Just like in previous instances, our investigation has also shown that the current incident is the work of scammers.

“No NDLEA officer is involved in the audio conversation, and the person whose photo is attached to the audio recording being circulated is not in our custody at MMIA or any of our commands, either as of yesterday or any other day. The family members involved in this case are advised not to part with their hard-earned money to scammers.
“Nigerians with loved ones abroad are also urged to keep discussions on travel plans of their relatives to themselves to avoid the hijack of such by criminal elements for devious schemes,” Babafemi said.

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