
Northeast Governors Meet Over Rising Challenges in the Region

Governors of the Nigerian Northeast sub-region have declared open regional meeting of their forum in Yola with renewed commitment to tackle the challenges of the region.

The event which was held in the Banquet Hall, Government House, Yola Saturday witnessed the presence of all the governors, top government officials among other dignitaries from the six states of the zone.

The chairman of the forum and Governor of Borno, Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum observed that the challenges in the region need collaborative efforts of all to tackle them.

The forum seeks federal government assistance in other to tackle some of its problems such as the deplorable condition of roads, lack of functional rail lines, and underutilisation of the water ways among others.

Professor Zulum commended President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his determination to ensure prevailing peace in the zone, while assuring that the Governors will continue to safeguard regional peace.

He urged his counterparts to be committed to creating more opportunities, stimulating small industries, and building agricultural value chain to address the alarming rate of unemployment and poverty in the region.

In his welcome remarks, the host Governor, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri noted that the forum since inception has charted a new course and attracted the needed attention to the region.

Fintiri stressed that through the efforts of the forum, the Northeast states have won the battle against insurgency and restored peace and stabilization to the region.

Noting that the encouraging results witnessed by the region are stimulants of the efforts put in place by the Governors to ensure robust development, peace and tranquility in the northeast states.”

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