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Hajj Deposit: Bauchi pilgrims board solicits support of banks on sensitisation of pilgrims

The Bauchi State Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board in it’s continued effort to create awareness on operational challenges attached to 2024 Hajj excercise, particularly high cost of Hajj Deposit and the time constraint for the excercise, has today Thursday 19th October, 2023 solicited for the cooperation of the collaborative Banks to support the Board as part of Corporate Social Responsibility.

The Executive Secretary of the Board Imam Abdurrahman Ibrahim Idris made the appeal during an interactive session with the Branch managers of the Banks that partnered with the Board which held at the Conference hall of the Board.

He said the appeal became necessary due to limited deadline for the remittance of 50% of the total slots allocated to Bauchi State and the need for the intending pilgrims to be educate and enlighten.

He added that National Hajj Commission of Nigeria NAHCON has reiterated a call for the intending pilgrims to hasten and pay N4.5M as minimum hajj deposit before the end of this year, emphasized that NAHCON is expected to funds remittance into the coffers of Saudi Kingdom account on 5th January, 2024.

Imam Abdurrahman while hailing the management of Banks for their unflinching support to the Board, pleaded them to further partner with the Board on increased public awareness and sensitization of depositors in both Urban and rural communities to make deposit at time frame.

In his welcome address, the Director operation of the Board, Comrade. Sabiu Barau Ningi described the management of the Banks as partners in progress.

He said the period for the collection of Hajj deposit has been narrowed from Seven Months to just Three Months and that caused serious operational challenges.

Comrade Sabiu confessed that the Board has no cause to complain the relationship with the Banks, over the services rendered in the pass, expressed optimism that the Banks will do the needful.

Earlear, in their separate remarks, the Branch managers of Unity Bank PLC Alh. Abdullahi Imam and that of Jaiz Bank Muhammad Gidado appreciated the Board for the wisdom to organize the interactive session.

They lamented on the poor turn out of the depositors, expressed their commitment on behalf of thier colleague to support the Board to achieve a desired goal.

The participating Banks includes First Bank PLC, Sterling Bank, Taj Bank, fedelity Bank, FCMB, Zenith Bank and Unity Bank at the meeting meeting,


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