
Can a member represent a constituency without good English command?

English being an official language in Nigeria is often considered as a superior language and means of communication especially for those that hold important and influential positions in government. for this, it becomes inevitable and inescapable for public officials to be deeply proficient on the language as it’s difficult for one to be a good leader without being a good communicator.

Being a member at national assembly implies the representation of thousands or millions of people of the represented constituency, as such, people are expected to select the most possible educated and morally sound individuals to represent them at assemblies.

The question which people have been asking is, can Maigero effectively represent Azare/Madangala constituency at state assembly despite his inability to speak good English?

To me the answer appears to be yes because Maigero is a good leader who is generous and cares much about his people even before he started thinking of contesting for the post he now holds. How he acts outside state assembly earns him love of his people especially his ongoing food items’ distribution.

We had many good leaders who effectively represented their constituency and defended the opinions of their constituents like Hon. Gudaje Kazaure who people were laughing at his bad English command while expressing the truth which most of the bench-wormers in the national assembly didn’t.

One of the reasons why I developed interest and optimism in the leadership of the Hon. Zakariyya Saleh Maigero is because of how he takes care of his people and the development he brings to his constituency.

Few days ago, I heard from some good people of Azare/Madangala constituency that he shared relief items to more than three thousand (3,000) people in Azare/Madangala constituency which many of those who make noise in the assembly can’t, its not that he don’t talk but his actions speak louder than his voice.

Hussaini Muhammad Danliti an indigine of Katagum writes from Jos.

One Comment

  1. Yes, a member can represent a constituency without a strong command of English, as long as they effectively communicate with their constituents in other ways and take actions that benefit their constituency. Effective leadership goes beyond language proficiency and includes qualities like caring for the people and delivering tangible benefits.

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